Friday 26 August 2011


Helping Ugandan Homeless Children

How good, merciful, loving, giver is our God?
He showed his love towards us when he gave us his son Jesus Christ to die for us.
When j remember the time j was sick and healed me for nothing, j just say thank you Jesus!
One time j was sick and he showed me his love through healing and giving me life in abundance.
After healing me for nothing j asked my self how merciful was that person, the first thing that came into my mind was “My God what can j also do to make you happy?” j did not receive the answer immediately, but j kept on praying for it.
After a long time God told me to preach the Gospel in physical and practical.
J did not understand it very well but j continued praying for it.
He showed me some children on streets in our country Uganda that were suffering who needed help during that time.
Un fortunately j had no money to do that, but j kept praying for it.
From 2002 up to now j have been struggling with that thing.
J was praying in my room then j heard a voice telling me that “ Kenneth, time is now wake up and serve me,” j wondered, because am a born again Christian married to my lovely woman who is also save and we have one child, and we are all ministers in his church(God).
J kept on thinking about that thing till j realized that he told me to serve him in physical and practical.
When j was till wondering where j was to get money from, he gave me the scripture in Haggai 2:8, the silver is mine and the Gold is mine, “declares the Lord”.
After, j prayed a repentance prayer for limiting our God.
When j was still looking for the way how j was going to do that, God also told me that j will also start a Christian radio and it preaches the gospel  surprisingly j had no any single coin on my bank account.
Jam a person who love to see people who are around me happy and enjoying their lives.
J work as a radio presenter in gospel show called “Come and we thank him (God).
Now, Jam believing God to put the way where there is no way as he did for the children of Israel.
Any one who has a merciful heart can stand with me through my email address    thank you and God bless.

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